P9410 browsing through this site is like sailing a ship... link reply
you rely on 3 or 4 (IF YOU ARE USING vpn) ship sails

"Connection timed out"
Ship is wrecked, ABANDON THE SHIP!

"400 error"
the ship failed to manoeuvre (not enough wind)

"loading (hourglass icon)"
sailing to the destination (subchans)

"reading up shitspammer / conspiracy theories posts"
Pirate ships passing by and they are shooting crap at you, sinking your ship (yes you need good cannons for these)

browsing on clearnet sites is like you are siling a motor boat (it's blazing fast!)
Moved from /tech/
P9411 link reply
P9426 link reply
>vre (not enough wind)< you mean windpower or the wind from your arse?
P9455 link reply
How about when you listening to songs posted by another anons? A Pirate Radio Ship passing by?