P58131 Redditors infiltrate chanboards to hijack them using traitorous atheist idiots. link reply
And then use that board as a psyop proxy and piggy bank to fund SJW cuck wars globally.

And all you have to do is solve the captcha is covertly eliminate them and the circlejerks that started them.
Moved from /misc/
P58149 link reply
this is just like the time /intl/ (((reddit proxy))) killed 8chan anons must stay vigilant

Good morning, Lambdacucks. Just wanted to remind you that despite the recent /u/spez monopoly on militarized anti-freespeechness, the eternal Tranny Janny is the most anti-freespeech force in internet history.
>persecuted occult retards until they fucked off to the New Chan, bringing with them metacontent slavery and an affinity for glowniggers, setting the stage for the evil reddit empire
>supported the redditors in the Bunkerchan revolution
>colonized half the internet, abusing and enslaving hundreds of millions of platforms without eradicating them, leaving them thirsty for revenge on future generations of netizens
>genocided and enslaved diggers in Albania
>collaborated with kikes to bring the alphabet into cloudflare in exchange for Censorshit, sealing the fate of the Freedom Empire and handing Tsarist Trackers to the WIPO
>allied with and materially/financially supported the Soviets at cloudflareI
>still gloat about bombing 4chan
>abandoned and even sanctioned the tumblerites during the 4chan War
>did the same thing to Albania during apartheid

When will we start grooming gangs for (((Lambdaish))) """men?"""