P42203 link reply
Moved from /misc/42039
P42209 link reply
P42203 mods don't care. What they fucking care about is 'moderating historical portraits'
Moved from /misc/42039
P42210 link reply

>dundreary whiskers
>silk cravat

OMG!!!! Your 10x H O T T E R than those chrildren!!!!
Moved from /misc/42039
P42224 I was intelligent enough link reply

>File deleted by admin at Fri 2023-05-12 16:18:50 because 4 minute video of young child twerking, showing off underwear. No comment posted.

justice served

>Moved to /spam/ by admin at Fri 2023-05-12 16:05:02

Knowing that they are going to be moved to /spam/, I excluded the threads (that require high efforts) and posted on other sites.