P34010 link reply
Why is the historicalspammer not banned and all his spam retroactively deleted?
I want to like lambda but fuck it's full of garbage.
P34019 link reply
>I want to like lambda but fuck it's full of garbage.
No, you just want to shove YOUR expectations on an imageboard and you're unable to accept things for what they are.

historicalfag is an asset of lambdashit.
Seeing him is enlightening, because he is able to have fun in his own way even if no one existed here, and he is genuinely funny at times.
P34028 sage + garbage?! link reply
>I want to like lambda but fuck it's full of garbage.
Oh no how could it be?!
With admin spoonsorting so tirelessly?!
Where have all the good posters gone?!
P34330 link reply
You ruin everywhere you go.
The world would be a better place without you.
This is a fact.
P34339 link reply
Okay, thank you.

Not even gonna bother posting an image for this.