P39298 install gentoo link reply
P39397 link reply
Awesome Gentoo waifu, OP. Where did you find it?
P39660 link reply
>Where did you find it?
Uhmm, maybe 8chan/tech/ maybe nanochan/g/, I don't remember cause it was years ago.
P39686 link reply
sure thing lotion man
P48921 link reply
So gentooglags, do you have your own local portage repository?
P66992 link reply
Yes, everybody does. This is because maintainers break ebuilds and user must fix them.
P67023 link reply
turbo wigger garbage
P67028 link reply
P67035 GNU/sage link reply
kill yourself, /g/ trash
P67068 link reply
arch is for an obese suburban basement wigger who wears his underwear on his head and plays gears of war
P89306 link reply
I contemplating installing Gentoo.
P89444 link reply
Install anything but Systemd/Linux.
P89473 12of7 link reply
Whats the worse thing about Systemd?
P89474 link reply
It's a soluton looking for a problem.
It's needlessly complex.
There's no reason for it.
There's no benefit to it.
It opens up holes in your system (see Xz utils).
It violates the Unix principle.
It's like a new OS.
It tries to be all things to all things.

Take your pick.
P89494 link reply
> It's needlessly complex.
$ wc -l /etc/init.d/lightdm
$ wc -l /var/lib/systemd/system/lightdm.service
P89633 link reply
Comparing /etc/conf.d/lightdm with the service file would be more applicable.
P89640 link reply
exactly niggers really are niggers
P90361 link reply
>[bold: Machine-id]
>Systemd Linux distributions have a unique identifier called machine-id.
> /etc/machine-id
> /var/lib/dbus/machine-id

cat /etc/machine-id && cat var/lib/dbus/machine-id

>>>>>>>>>>>>fagmin add codetags<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
rm /etc/machine-id && systemd-machine-id-setup

Create a script that is executed by cron or even better a systemd service

[bold: Create the service]
sudo su

[bold: Create the systemd script]
touch /usr/bin/random-id && echo -e '#!/bin/bash\nrm /etc/machine-id && systemd-machine-id-setup' > /usr/bin/random-id && chmod +x /usr/bin/random-id

[bold: Create the systemd service]
touch /etc/systemd/system/random-machine-id.service && echo -e "[Unit]\nDescription=Random Machine-id Every Boot\nBefore=boot.mount\nDefaultDependencies=no\n\n[Service]\nType=simple\nExecStart=/usr/bin/random-id\nExecReload=killall -9 /usr/bin/random-id;/usr/bin/random-id\nExecStop=killall -9 /usr/bin/random-id\nRestart=on-failure\nRemainAfterExit=no\n\n[Install]\nWantedBy=basic.target" > /etc/systemd/system/random-machine-id.service
P90362 link reply
>[bold: Machine-id]
>Systemd Linux distributions have a unique identifier called machine-id.
> /etc/machine-id
> /var/lib/dbus/machine-id

cat /etc/machine-id && cat /var/lib/dbus/machine-id

>>>>>>>>>>>>fagmin add codetags<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
rm /etc/machine-id && systemd-machine-id-setup

Create a script that is executed by cron or even better a systemd service

[bold: Create the service]
sudo su

[bold: Create the systemd script]
touch /usr/bin/random-id && echo -e '#!/bin/bash\nrm /etc/machine-id && systemd-machine-id-setup' > /usr/bin/random-id && chmod +x /usr/bin/random-id

[bold: Create the systemd service]
touch /etc/systemd/system/random-machine-id.service && echo -e "[Unit]\nDescription=Random Machine-id Every Boot\nBefore=boot.mount\nDefaultDependencies=no\n\n[Service]\nType=simple\nExecStart=/usr/bin/random-id\nExecReload=killall -9 /usr/bin/random-id;/usr/bin/random-id\nExecStop=killall -9 /usr/bin/random-id\nRestart=on-failure\nRemainAfterExit=no\n\n[Install]\nWantedBy=basic.target" > /etc/systemd/system/random-machine-id.service
P90363 link reply

>[bold: Machine-id]
>Systemd Linux distributions have a unique identifier called machine-id.
> /etc/machine-id
> /var/lib/dbus/machine-id

cat /etc/machine-id && cat /var/lib/dbus/machine-id

>>>>>>>>>>>>fagmin add codetags<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
rm /etc/machine-id && systemd-machine-id-setup

Create a script that is executed by cron or even better a systemd service

[bold: Create the service]
sudo su

[bold: Create the systemd script]
touch /usr/bin/random-id && echo -e '#!/bin/bash\nrm /etc/machine-id && systemd-machine-id-setup' > /usr/bin/random-id && chmod +x /usr/bin/random-id

[bold: Create the systemd service]
touch /etc/systemd/system/random-machine-id.service && echo -e "[Unit]\nDescription=Random Machine-id Every Boot\nBefore=boot.mount\nDefaultDependencies=no\n\n[Service]\nType=simple\nExecStart=/usr/bin/random-id\nExecReload=killall -9 /usr/bin/random-id;/usr/bin/random-id\nExecStop=killall -9 /usr/bin/random-id\nRestart=on-failure\nRemainAfterExit=no\n\n[Install]\nWantedBy=basic.target" > /etc/systemd/system/random-machine-id.service

[bold: Enable the systemd service]
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl start random-machine-id.service
systemctl enable random-machine-id.service
P90364 link reply
>[bold: Machine-id]
>Systemd Linux distributions have a unique identifier called machine-id.
> /etc/machine-id
> /var/lib/dbus/machine-id

cat /etc/machine-id && cat /var/lib/dbus/machine-id

>>>>>>>>>>>>fagmin add codetags<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
rm /etc/machine-id && systemd-machine-id-setup

Create a script that is executed by cron or even better a systemd service

[bold: Create the service]
sudo su

[bold: Create the systemd script]
touch /usr/bin/random-id && echo -e '#!/bin/bash\nrm /etc/machine-id && systemd-machine-id-setup' > /usr/bin/random-id && chmod +x /usr/bin/random-id

[bold: Create the systemd service]
touch /etc/systemd/system/random-machine-id.service && echo -e "[Unit]\nDescription=Random Machine-id Every Boot\nBefore=boot.mount\nDefaultDependencies=no\n\n[Service]\nType=simple\nExecStart=/usr/bin/random-id\nExecReload=killall -9 /usr/bin/random-id;/usr/bin/random-id\nExecStop=killall -9 /usr/bin/random-id\nRestart=on-failure\nRemainAfterExit=no\n\n[Install]\nWantedBy=basic.target" > /etc/systemd/system/random-machine-id.service

[bold: Enable the systemd service]
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl start random-machine-id.service
systemctl enable random-machine-id.service
P90366 link reply
>Whonix sets the same machine-id for all users
> b08dfa6083e7567a1921a715000001fb
>TailsOS generates a new machine-id every boot

What did Whonix mean by this?
Why not randomize the machine-id every boot?
P90370 sage link reply
>What did Whonix mean by this?
privacy and security theater
P90372 mooooooodsssssss link reply
mv P90361 P90362 and P90363 to /trash and also sage poast
P90380 sage + double sage link reply
>or even better a systemd service
<replies to thread about how systemd is crap with a service as the anwser
P90381 sage + multiplier + 3 XP link reply
P90394 link reply
Will have to try it now thank you anon

Yeah I didn't get this either tbh.

Arch fags are acktually worse then Debian fags for this very reason.
P91341 link reply
this doesn't work and breaks things thanks now i have to reinstall
P91351 link reply
P91353 link reply
Install yiffOS
P91361 link reply
Helloooooo, Ninya!
P91363 link reply
P91365 link reply
this is the artist.
P91373 link reply
So does machine-id get sent over the network?


Obviously the file [bold: /etc/machine-id] and [bold: /var/lib/dbus/machine-id] can be read by a web browser if its not sandboxed correctly
Just like the real mac address can be read [bold: cat /sys/class/net/*/address]

Can you set it to be random without packages breaking?

P91561 link reply
>gentoo goes binary
troons on suicide watch
P91573 link reply
It's had binary versions of packages that take forever to compile (LibreOffice, Firefox) for at least a decade. Literally nothing changed.
P91583 https://libertymaniacs.com/collections/new-shirts/products/totally-radical-islamic-extremist-tri-blend-track-shirt link reply
Sounds radical dood
P91588 link reply
so why are cuck/g/ troons seething and saying gentoo is obsolete now?
are they just mad for the sake of being mad?
P91734 link reply
fuck off coon!
P91754 link reply
What happened? I've been gone for 2 years on the darknet and the link's dead. Picochan as well, what happened to that.
P91757 link reply
>What happened?
Erectodysfunctor abandoned it after kicking schizo hikari from his mod position for the final time. Link went down after being unmaintained for months.
>Picochan as well, what happened to that.
Neeshy pulled the plug and uploaded the database here some time after.

We have archives of the databases and audit.logs here: http://endchancxfbnrfgauuxlztwlckytq7rgeo5v6pc2zd4nyqo3khfam4ad.onion/nc/res/490.html
P91758 link reply
what do you think happened?
P91759 link reply
P91760 link reply
P91761 link reply
P91762 link reply
P91763 link reply
P91764 link reply
P91765 link reply
P91767 link reply
(P91758 P91759 P91760 P91761 P91762 P91763 P91764 P91765)
(hikaricowe still obsessively lurks and posts here when something pattern matches his obsession)
P91768 link reply
P91770 link reply
I hope the recent schizodump answered your question.
Hikari has become even more unhinged than when he was a trannyjanny and after Endofunctor booted him for powertripping too much, the schizolord finally lost it and started spamming and DoSing nano 24/7. Endo was already losing interest in being an admin, so he decided it was too much effort to keep that site up and finally pulled the plug.
Cuckari maintains a clone of nanochan, but its more of a museum than an actual sequel because nobody ever posts there. Even he himself doesn't use his own dead site, he comes to lambda everyday to jerk his tiny dick off to the other lambdanons interacting with the girls he has a crush on.
P91775 link reply
marital status: cucked
P91776 link reply
>Why not randomize the machine-id every boot?
There is no difference. Every Whonix user has the same machine-id, making it useless for tracking purposes. Use of Whonix is detectable in numerous other ways, e.g. /usr/share/whonix/marker. You gain nothing by randomizing it.
P91809 link reply
>You gain nothing by randomizing it.
ok bitchling but what im respectfully asking is why shouldn't you on systemd systems

>Every Whonix user has the same machine-id
Yes i get that every Whonix user has the same anony set just like Tails (in theory like a browser fingerprint)...

But sometimes that can be unique also as it makes it look obvious that your using that OS.
Idk if machine-id is sent over the network but it doesn't make sense why not to randomize every identifier (again tho that might look spammy and fake too).

I also dont get why that anonymity based distros make it known that they are what they are on a network?
>whonix hostname = host
>tails hostname = amnesia

>>mac address
>whonix = no mac adress spoofing by default
>tails = only NIC part and not the full adress which is even an option in Windows now

P91859 link reply
>I also dont get why that anonymity based distros make it known that they are what they are on a network?

cuz they are fake and have been co-opted
P91894 link reply
>cuz they are fake and have been co-opted

>Tails also received funding from the Open Technology Fund
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tails_(operating_system)#History
> https://www.opentech.fund/projects-we-support/supported-projects/tails/

I can't find Whonix specifically receiving funds from OTF but [bold: did find that Qubes did.]

>In June 2015, Rutkowska announced the reception of funding from the Open Technology Fund to further sponsor the porting work of Whonix to Qubes OS.
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whonix#Porting_to_Qubes_OS
> https://www.opentech.fund/projects-we-support/supported-projects/qubes-os/

Also Tor project defamed Whonix all cause they didn't cuck on social justice shit
> https://www.whonix.org/wiki/Tor_Project

Besides all this I have yet to see anything in the code that looks anything like a backdoor if anything the more I look the more i see that they are based.

Someone should run opensnitch on these projects or wireshark to see what outbound connections are made.
P91904 link reply
Yeah these projects are based lol
P91921 link reply
>When you turn it on for all networks, random hardware addresses are used while your PC scans for networks and connects to any network.

Uh linux bros what do they mean by this?
Should I switch to Windows 11 now and will Windows 12 be a free non paid upgrade?