P23332 Uuuhhh I2P bros? What's going on? link reply
> Starting on Dec. 19 the number of tunnels in the network started to increase, and as measured at one router, it peaked at about 3x normal levels on Dec. 26.
> I2P isn't really designed to work that way
> If a popular application uses more network resources than it contributes, it has the potential to take down the entire network.


How are a few bitcoins taking down the entire I2P network???
P23334 link reply
P23332 more tunnels more fun

But tunnels are dangerous though. There might be some leaks in there...
P23335 link reply
>If a popular application uses more network resources than it contributes, it has the potential to take down the entire network.
well damn idk what to say about this I was gonna try out I2P+ since Tor was being DDoSed and wanted to expand my privacy tool set.

would Lokinet have these same problems?
P23344 link reply
[bold: WTF?]
P23350 link reply
Lokinet is worse because it's a lot smaller. But why worry that I2P could be attacked? Any network can be attacked, just some networks are more resilient then others.
P23353 Tor+Lokinet+I2P+js link reply
> Lokinet is worse because it's a lot smaller.
Lets fix this people More I2P and Lokinet guides folks...get yah friends to use it lads.
P23358 link reply
Lokinet first needs a name change. Named after teh Norse trickster god? Fer real?
P23364 link reply
>Loki, Named after teh Norse trickster god? Fer real?
Allow me to introduce you to Mr. Hyde, Loki....
P23394 link reply
Loki is the pretty chill and cool guy from the Marvel movies. "Loki" can also be pronounced "low-key" with is a pretty good catchphrase for an anonymity network.

> Dude 1: bro you gonna get tracked by FBI?
> Dude 2: nah bro I'm going low-key
P23400 link reply
Yesh, liek "Low-Key Lyesmith" in Neil Gaiman's [bold: American Gods].

Cannae bring meself to trust anythin' named after Loki, sozz broham.
P23402 link reply
havn't used I2P yet but have used lokinet and its pretty nice just which their was more shared public exitnodes.
P23410 I2P+IRC+JeffBecker link reply
why would people use I2P for bitcoin, while I see you could I don't think private Remote Nodes can people hosted on I2P or am I wrong? I thought Remote Nodes were a Tor thing.
P23497 GOST - gosudarstvennyy standart link reply
I2P создано моими братьями, мы пьем водку и пишем шифровальные программы, которые лучше, чем западные киски Tor.
P23508 link reply
Isn't the I2P team german?
P23524 link reply
There's an American i2p team and there's a Russian i2p team. There are one or two Germans who also contribute.

The lead I2P developer just announced that the I2P network is in danger of collapsing this weekend.
> From #dev on IRC 2022/12/29:
> <zzz> github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/26754
> <zzz> see the graphs
> <zzz> the network could die this weekend
> <zzz> that's how I define a problem
P23605 link reply
fucking cryptofags ruining everything
P23618 blasphemy link reply
[bold: LIES!]
P23620 12of7 link reply

real gucci
P26603 link reply
gay as fuck and worse, zoomy (compare with Tor) (German)

>Bro think the FBI'll get ya?
P26607 link reply
>gay as fuck and worse, zoomy (compare with Tor) (German)

what do u mean? like the fact most relays are in germany either;
1. cause germany is [bold: N]A[bold: SA]
2. cause germany provides cheap vps hosting which might coincide with 1.
P26699 cohencidental situation link reply
DE is best place to get a vps server out of
P28001 link reply
I2P is being overwhelmbed by darknets using switching to I2P and contributing nothing. I wouldn't be surprised that the more advanced and larger markets are using Tor as a frontend due to its popularity and using I2P as its main backend due to lack of popularity and relative more security in terms of hidden services. This is why it's so fucking important to contribute to these projects that literally provide us the protection we need. Will it allow darknet markets to proliferate? Yes but privacy is a human right. If I2P collapses either due to this - whether its the darknet markets abusing its resources, an attack from a state-sponsered adversary, or even an attack directly from the an intelligence agency or LE, this will extremely fucking bad for all privacy projects. This should serve a fucking wake up call. I2P deserved the funding, resources, and attention to prevent this from happening. It's been said years and not a single fucking soul listened. And fuckk Loki and all the other privacy projects further splintering the community and causing us to be unique. These privacy systems work when everyone uses them. Fuck it all.
P28038 link reply
>And fuckk Loki and all the other privacy projects further splintering the community and causing us to be unique. These privacy systems work when everyone uses them. Fuck it all.

dude we need more diversity, not (((diversity)) like splintering but we need more then one option. The more tools in our toolset the better.
[bold: I really want to run a relay of Tor and help i2p (haven't tried i2p) yet.]
P28064 link reply
>A potential problem with Lokinet is the high cost of running a service node. All service node owners are required to have a "stake" in the network. This means that they must own a certain amount of Loki cryptocurrency. By some estimates that I have seen, the size of the stake currently amounts to thousands of US dollars. This seems like a rather high barrier to entry, which could lead to having insufficient service nodes for carrying traffic if Lokinet ever becomes popular. And, the stake may go up in the future if the value of the Loki cryptocurrency increases. The high cost of a stake leads me to believe that someone is expecting to make some significant money from Lokinet, most likely meaning from the users of Lokinet.

>Chief36 also had something to say about this, "When OXEN is staked on a Service Node, the amount is locked up and remains unusable for a certain period of time (IIRC it is 2 weeks minimum). If a wallet can generate proof that it has been staking a certain amount of Oxen for a certain period of time on a Service Node, the wallet address gets rewarded with OXEN. The rewards are processed by the network itself. Rewards can help operators cover operation and maintenance costs and in many cases stakers have been profited." I don't think I need to be an economist to point out the fact that Service node hardware is being purchased with "real" money (i.e fiat currency) and the electricity and network connectivity to run them is being paid for with real money. So, unless Oxen cryptocurrency can be exchanged for real money, the operators of servers will not be paid. In order for that to happen, someone must have an incentive to pay real money for Oxen. What is that incentive? The only incentive I have seen is the "privilege" of running a server, which may be extremely costly. So, I see how the organization that runs Lokinet is being paid, but how are the operators of Oxen nodes being paid? If the only people paying real money into the network are the node operators, then that is known as a pyramid scheme.

It's a fucking scam.
P28072 link reply
>I really want to run a relay of Tor and help i2p
If you decide on running a i2p node, use the C++ version (i2pd) and not the Java version. There's a nasty de-anonymization bug in Java i2p that allows you to tie destinations (hidden services) to routers (relays). I don't want to get too deep into the weeds here but if you send a garlic messages with a clove that contains delivery instructions to the router hash that hosts the destination it just... delivers the inner garlic message to the destination. So you can try different router hashes until you hear back from the destination and boom you know the destination's host router (and therefore their IP). Given that there are only a few thousand high capacity X and P routers this doesn't take long at all to find high profile eepsites.

Even when zzz gets around to fixing that, i2pd is much more performant. The streaming code will become even more performant when I get around to rewriting streaming using the tech advancements made in Lokinet. It's high is on my list of issues (consider Lokinet in the meantime though).

>It's a fucking scam.
Only if you completely ignore the users. Oxen is economically sound and always will be.
P28234 link reply
The last few days I2P network went crazy. Now it's better.
P28339 link reply
So it leaves people with money to run them aka the gubberment?

Was thinking I2P+ ?
can you tunnel termianl through i2p (not outproxies)
P28955 I2P enlists the help of outside professionals link reply
> From #ls2 on Feb 15:
> <zzz> good morning orignal
> <orignal> back
> <zzz> I wanted to fill you in on some advice I've gotten
> <zzz> I've enlisted the help of an outside company to assist us
> <zzz> So far, what I've received is pretty generic and high-level
> <orignal> go ahead?
> <zzz> but it's still valuable to get outside opinion
> <zzz> and it helps us organize and focus our response
> <zzz> there's 3 categories of suggestions
> <zzz> all 3 we have in Java i2p already, but they need fine-tuning and improvement
> <zzz> but I suspect all 3 need major work on the i2pd side
> <orignal> tell me
> <zzz> here we go:
> <zzz> 3 ways to counteract ddos attacks:
> <zzz> 1) Rate limiting
> <zzz> rate limits help slow down ddos. can be done at several locations and protocols within the router
> <zzz> 2) Traffic filtering
> <zzz> block by IP and router hash
> <zzz> avoid distributing peer info about blocked ips/routers to other routers
> <zzz> 3) Peer discovery and verification
P28969 link reply
i2p devs are homos and pozed
P29038 link reply
P66994 link reply
zzz types like a morbidly obese man out of breath
P91618 Network dead? link reply
>Is everyone's network dead? I got this on the server all day:
>Tunnel creation success rate: 1%

>Bitcoin network affected too:
>Apr 23 13:47:50 bitcoind[242178]: 2024-04-23T13:47:50Z [i2p] Error listening: Receive timeout

P91626 73% link reply
Not sure what the i2problem is. Yet [bold:again], something is up with the C++ version but is fine for the rest of us.
P91627 link reply
>Banned: 3982
>Tunnel Lag: 1023 ms

How on earth is that "fine"?
P91628 link reply
I was referring to the Build Success Rate; the banned numbers shot up after the mitigations from the DDoS that occured about a year ago. That's when that number went up.
P91659 link reply
What is the point of the "Build Success Rate" when the tunnels crawl at 3 KiB? The only thing banning routers achieves is banning the good routers. The crappy Java realization is killing the network.
P91729 link reply
Should've posted this before...
P91737 link reply
RIP I2P Bros
P91739 link reply
What's the big deal?.png
Only 3/4 of the network are malicious routers. There's nothing wrong with I2P.
P91740 link reply
Having enemies means you are doing it right.
P91741 link reply
P91742 link reply
There's a difference between having enemies and having enemies destroy your network.
P91829 link reply
><zzz> eyedeekay, please don't make any promises in news or on reddit, just say we're working on it
><eyedeekay> I won't commit us to anything

tfw the devs can't even commit to fixing the network.
P91830 link reply
Where can I find the leaks? I'm craving soup rn
P91834 link reply
IRC in I2P
P91850 link reply
There's logs of the dev stuff on http://major.i2p/ . If that site's Acetone's, he's probably using i2pd, which would account for it being hard to reach right n ow. The C++ version seems to be affected more.

http://major.i2p/irc2p/i2p-dev/2024/04/26 (might take awhile to reach)
P91857 link reply
Loaded fine for me. I do have a really low success rate for tunnels, though.
P91858 link reply
Odd. It loaded in seconds this time but when I first replied it took forever.
P91965 link reply

I'm going to try the mitigations just for shits & giggles, because I'm not really seeing network degradation. Some eepsites are laggy, but it's not as bad as it was last year at this time when I couldn't even get on Irc2p.
P92471 link reply
>just wait until the ddos stops bro