P91796 Terrorism 101 link reply
Look at these Hamas lovers. If it were 12 White guys with Tiki torches on campus with Bibles they'd be run out of there on rails and probably arrested too. Good to see some of these idiots getting arrested. The "protests" aren't organic in nature: note the company logos on the bottom of the signs and how tents match. These are the usual commnunists funding violence, mixed in with a few useful idiots. This should not be used to let them off the hook, though.

Isn't it something, that the Jews that vote overwhelmingly left are having their own attack dogs bite them? Imagine paying big $$$ to attend one of these "universities".

Thread theme:
♪ Bad Finger - Come And Get It ♫

...fool and his money

P91798 link reply
It says "Freedom Road Socialist Organization". I'm not being hyperbolic when I say these are communists.

>The Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) is a Marxist–Leninist organization in the United States. FRSO formed in 1985 amid the collapse of the Maoist-oriented New Communist movement that emerged in the 1970s.


Now who is paying for all this?
P91800 link reply
Lesson in inertia. The American two-party system runs on manufactured division. So, since the neocons love kikes so much, the leftoids have to take the other side of the conflict.

Now that the establishment left is in power, and is deep-throating kikes while they genocide Palestinians, the old programming has been triggered in a very serious way. They didn't have enough time to drip-feed "Palestine bad" to the NPCs through every media outlet.
P91801 Islam is based link reply
P91804 link reply
Yes. Keep on dividing yourselves goy.
P91806 When you use vague terms in questions, you get vague answers. link reply
> These are the usual commnunists funding violence, mixed in with a few useful idiots.

The Communist/Capitalist paradigm is a psyop. Economic communism is a form of capitalism, but that's beside the point almost because it's just used as a vague undefined constantly changing buzzword.

Usually when a White person says Communist they mean an anti-White trying to rob them and transfer the wealth to other nations while sabotaging Western institutions, society, and economies.

I agree those things are bad, but that's not what the word Communist means when everyone says it.

When you don't say what you're actually complaining about and everyone has a different definition, an anti-White can enter your camp and say "ooy vey, we agree the communists are bad" but they're there to stop people from shutting down their rackets and push anti-White policy themselves and aren't on your side at all.

Because the language is vague, you're letting enemies sneak into your camp and sabotage things.

Say what you actually think is a problem, focus on that, don't let enemy groups infiltrate because they say they're on your side without agreeing to any of your positions.

Look at Trump, he used media hoaxes to indicate he was a White nationalists when he was EXACTLY the opposite of that and carried out more sabotage. He did stuff a White person might call Communistic.

It's a lot harder for enemies to be a "fellow patriot" when you ask them point blank, "do you agree only members of the Western nations can be allowed to own property in the Western territory?" When you do that, people like Trump, lying sacks of internationalists human shit, have a fucking meltdown because they can't bamboozle you with vauge psyop word salad anymore because it's a yes or no question and they TOTALLY oppose what your movement is actually about.

"Anti-White" is a far superior term, because it describes exactly what we don't like clearly and concisely while presenting us as the targets of a malicious group.

P91807 link reply
Fuck Israel. And fuck every loathsome traitorous shit that's allying with them.

Israel is an enemy nation, Jews are an enemy nation.

And you're a fucking idiot if you're betting your families future on a TINY 94 IQ Middle Eastern state of people that hate your guts and have been plotting to genocide you for the past 70 years.

Israel is going down, PERIOD. It's population is race mixed and they're dying out. They don't have a chance in hell of taking over the world or even persisting because they're hybridized genetic dead ends.

You're fucking retarded if you're a Jew, and you're even dumber if you're backing Jews.

If you bet on Israel, you lose.

Even the Rothschilds are in the process of trying to erase their links to Judaism. Take the hint, retard.
P91813 link reply
I think its based tbh anon but also fake and gay
maybe lib folks are starting to realize how kosher things really are
P91815 link reply
>he used media hoaxes to indicate he was a White nationalist
No, he didn't. Ever. Matter of fact, the "media" did this trick where they asked him to "disavow" this one or that one. They constantly asked him to condemn so-called White supremacy. Which he did, every time. They even asked him about David Duke, which no one outside of probably me, knows who that even is.

The mainstream media was against him from day one - once he announced as a Republican. Trump is and was a moderate - recall he was a NY Democrat most of his life. And they all loved him then.

People don't want to admit that the communists are using the LGBT+$%AEIOU+Y, climate alarmists, Black supremacists, illegal alien invaders, and now pro-Hamas/pro-Islamist groups as weapons. That's what this thread is about.

Don't get distracted by Trump; defeating the communist is all that matters.
P91817 link reply
Gaza is the new Dresden.
P91820 link reply
When you make a fake national group out of nothing and convince people in other countries that they're actually some extinct nation with a grudge to settle, they plot against the rest of the country and that's not a suprise. If you brainwash people to think they're another nation, they will resent the rest of the population and plot to take over for their own nation.

It was Jews historically that were incentivized to take on the identity of the historical Jews and their grudges.

But it could have been Atlanteans, it could have been any extinct nation, it could have been one that was totally fabricated, and it could have been just some counter culture turned into an identity like "the vegan nation", the "goth nation", the "climate activist nation".

Every nation wants to be in sole control over its own affairs, and if they experience any push back they will feel persecuted and rile their group up, and if you put them in a multinational situation they're going to try to take over the state and transfer everything to themselves. No one even fucking knew who the Jews were before they started systematically trying to undermine Western national defense and rob everyone else to death, all these problems with White Jews were manufactured out of nothing using DUMB gullible people that were convinced they were Middle Easterners and were too fucking stupid to see they weren't.

Multinationalism is bad, even independent of ethnic considerations.



If you were going to pick an extinct nation to impersonate and brainwash your kids into identifying as, you could have at least picked something cool, but you had to identify as Arabs!
P91821 link reply
I thought it meant CIRNO News Network
P91823 JEW+sage link reply
Only good post in this thread.
P91825 link reply
Most supporters of the protest are not pro-hamas or anti-jews. They are anti-war and anti-netanyahu. I'm sure socialist organizations have joined in. Activist organizations fund activism, this is normal. However, I am wondering how much of this is real anti-israeli-war sentiment versus a knee-jerk reaction to support underdogs.

>You're retarded if you're a Jew
Jews are winning 22% of nobel prizes as 0.2% of the population. Cope harder.
P91827 link reply
Well well well.
P91849 link reply
Anti-war you say? So why aren't these same people screaming to stop the Ukraine war? It's been going on longer.

The real reason is because they are communists and other useful idiots and they have built a coalition against the nation, Whites (or rather light-skinned people), and Christians. Jews frequently get lumped in with Whites, which makes it even worse when they go against Whites.

P91860 link reply
>Jews are winning 22% of nobel prizes as 0.2% of the population. Cope harder.

Jews specialize in infiltrating organizations with mafia tactics and then transferring stuff to themselves using it.

Jews giving other Jews prizes in a desperate PR campaign in normal for them.

The REVOLUTIONARY Israeli invention that extracts water from the air looks like an air conditioner because it is one!

Give that Jew a nobel prize!
P91861 link reply
>an air conditioner
Wouldn't that be a dehumidifier?
P91883 link reply
>Now who is paying for all this?
Globalists. In the long run they want to dissolve all nation states and ethnic groups. Israel is not necessarily exempt from that.

>Well well well.
Globalism uber alice.

>The Communist/Capitalist paradigm is a psyop
Either the people have absolute property rights and are free to engage in any voluntary economic interaction they want. Or the state fucks with your shit. Those are the two options. It doesn't matter if the state tells you it is intervening to help the "workers" or the "aryans" or the fucking nephilim. Socialism will always be used against you. You will not be Stalin or Hitler or Larry Fink. You will be the slave getting buttfucked in every case.

>It was Jews historically that were incentivized to take on the identity of the historical Jews and their grudges.
Everyone has seen news stories of Rabbis painting swastikas on their own houses. Jews openly admit that there would be no Judaism without antisemitism. They tell themselves and their children that they are constantly persecuted because that's what bonds them together as a tribe. And once you've convinced yourself you are the victim then the shitty things you do are actually just self defense. And when you do shitty things people start hating you for real. And on it goes in an endless cycle. [spoiler: Also there's a lot of inbreeding which adds to the paranoia and narcissism and mental illness of Jews in general.]

>Jews are winning 22% of nobel prizes as 0.2% of the population. Cope harder.
That's called in-group preference. Once Jews get inside an organization they hire more Jews and help each other. It doesn't mean they are smarter or more competent. Look at hollywood. Tell me the last Jew produced movie you actually watched and enjoyed. Same with video games. There's a reason Japanese games are so popular.

>Anti-war you say? So why aren't these same people screaming to stop the Ukraine war?
Fair point.

>The REVOLUTIONARY Israeli invention that extracts water from the air looks like an air conditioner because it is one!
Between Ben Shapiro, Dennis Prager, Yaron Brook, every zionist who debates this issue always brings up how Israel is so much more civilized than the muslim barbarians and they have so much technology and innovation. But it's all being funded and looted from the US. Cut off aid to Israel and kick out all their spies and Israel would be a shithole in the desert just like the arab countries they pretend to be so superior to.

That's the real solution by the way. Cut off all aid to Israel and let them deal with the consequences of their actions by themselves. No they won't get overrun and genocided. But if they have to pay for every million dollar missile out of their own pocket they will be far more motivated to negotiate a peace deal with their neighbors and stop being eternal cunts.
P91902 link reply
>Tell me the last Jew produced movie you actually watched and enjoyed
Yeah idk what was the last one I saw in theaters was even like pre pandemic [spoiler: I dont have netflix either so I dont watch goy movies]
P91934 link reply
Like I said, they go after Jews because they are light-skinned and Whites are next. These are communist scum.
P91958 link reply
That protestor looks white too.
For that matter, aren't Arabs considered white now?
P92017 link reply
The only way leftoid goyim became anti-jew is because they got convinced jews are white colonizers. Nothing new then: The only thing common between leftoids is being anti-white. Everything else can be as different and as contradictory as you want but they have to be anti-white.
P92044 link reply
That was kind of my point before my post got spoon-sorted yesterday.
P92055 link reply
P92044 P92017
They do have a shared ideology beyond being anti-white, though. They believe that everything is a mask of power, and so they are being virtuous by siding with the oppressed.
Never mind that "virtuous" has no meaning if all relationships are just masks for power.
P92058 link reply
>just masks for power.

wut bout subnet masks of power
how do nanons achieve kosher network segmentation.
P92067 link reply
>they got convinced jews are white colonizers.
Ashkenazi really is Ashkenazi

Thats why I only support Anasazi Hindu Nazi's
P92184 link reply
>It was Jews historically that were incentivized to take on the identity of the historical Jews and their grudges.
>Jews openly admit that there would be no Judaism without antisemitism.
P92206 link reply

P92215 link reply
>"Good to see some of these idiots getting arrested."
Good to see you guys admitting that you never believed in free speach in the first place. It always was about your own free speech to spam "nigger" 24/7, and nothing else.

These students protest an ongoing genocide. But go ahead. Call them "pro Hamas" and "antisemitic" for that, you absolutely worthless racist fuck who loves to see children getting blown up on a daily basis. You've lost the hearts and minds. Turns out most people aren't in favor of genocide and so you and your ilk will be remembered accordingly.
P92216 link reply
Or instead ... Maybe these students don't want to see their country arming and funding the starvation and bombing of an entire population. I don't know could be.
P92222 Crowds on Demand link reply
It's not "free speech" when you smash glass, block access to other students, and call for harm to come to an ethnic group. Matter of fact, this looks just like an "insurrection". Yes, an insurrection. Will they get 15-20 years in prison? Of course not - there's a two-tier "justice" system.

These are communist agitators, bought and paid for, with matching table cloths on their heads and sporting the face-cases to hide their identity.
P92304 link reply
Wow you swallowed the whole propaganda. Congratulations you total tool!
If someone smashes glass, calls for harm to come to an ethnic group, or attacks people, you arrast these specific people. But that's not what happens. Innocent people get arrested, a professor, who tried to protect their students, got beaten unconcious, his limbless body dragged around and journalists getting harassed and arrested by police.
Most protestors are peaceful and not anti semitic. Case in point, there are many Jews as well who protest, because they are absolutely sick of war crimes and genocide being comitted in their name. But guess what isn't mentioned in the media?
Compare that to the pro-Israeli thugs, who attack peaceful protestors, shout "second Nakba" and generally racist stuff. Go fuck you and anyone who defends this anti democratic, pro-genocide filth.
Or look at you guys here. Jew-posting and JQ-ing around the clock, you fucking dishonest hypocites. Who are even kidding? Yourself?

People care about babies getting blown up and about civilians being starved, morron. Maybe try listening to people once in your life?

>Matter of fact, this looks just like an "insurrection". Yes, an insurrection.
Hahaha, what the fuck are you guys smocking? Maybe watch less Fox News, lol.
Subhuman, pro-genocide freaks
P92308 link reply
>People care about babies getting blown up and about civilians being starved
I'm sure you do but don't project that onto every mid-wit NPC college student who just wants to "rebel" and earn social credit for supporting the current thing.

>Wow you swallowed the whole propaganda. Congratulations you total tool!
The shit you're saying about police beating up white middle class college kids doesn't sound credible at all. If I'm getting real with you, friend it sounds like you just swallowed the other side's propaganda whole. Arab oil barons have money to throw around on propaganda too it's not just a jew game. Feel free to post some evidence to change our minds though.

>Hahaha, what the fuck are you guys smocking?
I took his point to be that if you support middle aged Trump supporters who took an unauthorized tour of the capital building getting thrown in jail for 6 million years the you don't get to turn around and cry when somebody you care about gets arrested. You probably don't support either thing happening but I think that was his point. Don't forget that it is an election year though. In 2020 the democrats and their media lap dogs spun up the BLM riots to destabilize the country and scare normies into voting for the "safe" choice. Now it's another election year and suddenly we have media approved riots again? Try reading between the lines.
P92320 link reply
>his limbless body dragged around
I wish. Stop getting my hopes up.

>journalists getting harassed and arrested
Like Steve Baker of The Blaze? https://www.theblaze.com/news/blaze-news-steve-baker-released-from-courthouse-after-arrest-over-his-jan-6-reporting-and-notables-have-been-reacting

>Most protestors are peaceful
They have poles, shields, gas masks, and smash stuff. pic rel

P92331 link reply
discord palestinian 1.webp
Another healthy reminder that anarchists only exist online while tankies are systematically the ones that organize IRL.
P92332 link reply
discord palestinian 2.webp
P92333 link reply
discord palestinian 3.webp
Are you really a lefty if you never whitesplained to an Arab that his dad was a CIA nigger?
P92339 link reply
>while tankies are systematically the ones that organize IRL.
what are tankies?
P92353 link reply
>Most protestors are peaceful and not anti semitic.
Is it someone new?
P92357 link reply
I saw a news report that I think said over 700 protestors were arrested.

Like, people keep trying to spin this like they're getting treated different from the Jan. 6th people, but are they? It looks a whole lot like they're getting COINTEL agitators attacking people and breaking stuff to justify arresting the anti-Zionist protestors.

You're trying to get White Nationalists to look the other way while people trying to remove a common enemy are getting disappeared by the Zionists.

>They have poles, shields, gas masks, and smash stuff. pic rel

Aren't those the counter protestors though, they're Zionists.
P92361 link reply
> media
> 2024
P92410 link reply
>people keep trying to spin this like they're getting treated different from the Jan. 6th people
That's because they are. The two-tier "justice" system is at USSR levels. Wake up.


Enrique Tarrio: 22 years (wasn't even at the location at the time of the event)
Stewart Rhodes: 18 years
Joe Biggs: 17 years (Prosecutors had asked for a 33-year sentence)
Zach Rehl: 15 years
Peter Schwartz: 14 years
Daniel “D.J.” Rodriguez: 12 years
Dominic Pezzola: 10 years
Thomas Webster: 10 years

Only one person was killed by another on Jan 6th. Unarmed Ashley Babbit was shot by a cop in the neck for climbing through a window, but she was White and he was Black so no one cared outside of friends and family. The cop got later promoted.

12of7 P92417 link reply
>what are tankies?
the soviet type
very anti-faggot and anti-western
P92438 link reply
>The cop got later promoted.
P92455 link reply
Only after Derek Chauvin is freed.

Remember that there are people in this country who have personally, intentionally killed tens of thousands of children and are still free. The dems even celebrate them. This is becoming a country that hates life.
P92488 1312 link reply
