P91666 link reply
what's your favorite way to fuck with your landlords?
P91667 link reply
P91669 link reply
well memed
P91719 link reply
I'm on good terms with my landloads. Thinking back, I only paid full price at one place. The place I'm in now I get at about 1/2 the market rate.
P91736 link reply
freezing your credit
P91782 link reply

i do that all the time kek
P92010 link reply
You should be nice to your landlord. After all he's letting your poor ass sleep in his property. You should be thankful for that.
P92213 Not link reply
My problem
P92214 Eat link reply
Shit Landlord!!!!!!!
P92229 link reply
Rental law in many states, or all, say that if the property is not in good repair, which is their job, that you don't have to pay rent for that period if time.

If so much as the toilet doesn't flush and it's not repaired, you just document it and don't have to pay rent for the period that it's not working.

You can call the landlord every time you take a shit and it clogs and have them plunge it or hire someone to plunge it.

You'll want to verify that's the case in your region first, I'm not a lawyer.

Then when you leave, post the documentation about the site and the property owner that implies they are a slumlord without literally calling them that.

If you have a two bathroom rental, just don't flush and let one bathroom clog up over and over and over again. But don't tell anyone you don't flush it.

Don't use anything unusual, just shit and toilet paper. You put a wetwipe in there they're going to say you damaged their property and sue you.
P92230 link reply
>what about my deposit?

When have you ever heard, in your entire life, of any renter getting back their deposit?
P92232 link reply
And then you wonder why there's no low-incoming or affordable housing available. Few people would want to rent out under those circumstances.

From the times I had to pay one, I always did. I'm not a slob and know how to fix things. Matter of fact, if I have to call the landlord to fix something it's an insult to me as a man, because a man should know how to fix things and not need anyone else.
P92264 link reply
In case you don't trust your landlord to give the deposit back, you can just not pay your last month or so of rent. They could sue you for it, but then they would have to justify keeping the deposit on top of wasting time and money in tribunals.
P92326 link reply
He spoon-sorted them to /free/. It happens to me too. I replied there.
P92492 link reply
we are in an economic recession, you dildo fucking faggot. dont confuse that with your pet narrative.
here is the corporate faggot invalid argument to go along with your communist faggot invalid argument:
>tenants don't occupy housing. the entire point of renting is to never be responsible for anything and party the housing into a pile of rubble - thereby depleting landlords of any viable profit - then moving into a brand new place while paying low prices due to masses of slobs like you driving the value of the neighborhood into the ground