Thread 91403 in /misc/

P91403 YWNBAW link reply
You will never be a wigger.

Hapabros, you need to know this now and not later. You will never be a wigger. They will never accept you as one of them. They will never treat you fairly.

While probably every people on earth is racist on some level, only wiggers sell you a lie that you won't be treated unfairly on the basis of race in their lands. Only wiggers sell you the lie of assimilating and being counted as one of their own. Whatever racism awaits you in Asia, it will at least be honest racism.

And, I have noticed, the worst kind of racism is the dishonest kind. The kind where they don't hire you on account of race, but say you're a bad culture fit. The kind where they'll let you work, but, no matter your performance, you're the first fired and last promoted. Because they don't allow themselves a verbal outlet, the only outlet becomes their actions.

The final solution to the wigger question, hapabros, is to accept that YWNBAW. Forge stronger ties to your Asian heritage. Learn your ancestral language. Learn your culture. Travel there and get comfortable there. When the west collapses, you will have the option to escape there.
27 replies omitted.
P91595 link reply
i don't get why they didn't improve it or at least make some plugin for qbittorrent.
P91600 link reply
>your not a good cultural fit
<<<thinking that retarded corpo meme has anything to do with race
>everyone is racist
racist is not a word. one retard will say it means being like hitler. another wh*teoid will say it means slightly discriminating based on race, another wigger will say it means wearing sunscreen, another faggot will say it means saying nigger ironically
P91601 link reply
also the non-word "racist" was used the same way as "satanist" in the 90s
nobody realizes that its a boomer hippie meme, zoomers just inherited it
now nobody takes it seriously anymore
boomers lost
P91653 netspooky link reply
feeling netspooky
yeah I just took a dooki
took a picture of it
have to admit
new level of shitposting
and jet fuel toasting
my cpu and gpu
tim osman and jew crew
and the world order of the new
P91660 link reply

Thread 72894 in /tech/

P72894 link reply
10 replies omitted.
P81272 Vaxstation2000 link reply
Check out my virtual X terminal thin client. It has no fixed disk, is network booted off an Infoserver100, and is running X clients from a third node over DECnet.

InfoServer> show sessions

* LASTport Sessions *

Service: VXT_V2_1.FNT (for DK1:VXT_V2_1.FNT, class VXT_SYSTEM)
Session: 00002 Client: VXT_AA0004001004

Service: VXT021.SYS (for DK1:VXT021.SYS, class VXT_SYSTEM)
Session: 00001 Client: VXT_AA0004001004

* LAT Sessions *

Process Connection Connected
Number: State: Node/Port:
------- ---------- ----------
1 Idle
2 Idle
3 Idle
4 Connected LUNAST::UIC_000200000202
P81289 link reply
can u telenet into vaxxed inviduals and target them per their social credit score?
P85388 link reply
Someone has mirrored Slackware64. Over gopher.
P88764 vaxstation3100m30 link reply
The vaxstation3100m30 (simh) can be used as a virtual (color, GPX) Xterminal. Only the m30 model seems to work. It's booted with VAXELN EWS off another network node. Note the copyright date - a network-transparent GUI back then. That's before Windows 3.1, which didn't even have such networking.

set cpu idle
set cpu conhalt
set cpu 16m

att nvr nvr-m30.bin

set rz0 dis
set rz1 dis
set rz2 dis
set rz3 dis
set rz4 dis
set rz5 dis
set rz7 dis

set va capture
set va enable

set nar mac=AA:00:04:00:11:04
att xs tap:tap9

boot cpu

On the boot node:
@sys$update:ews$add_node ews 1.17 AA-00-04-00-11-04 qna-0 gab 100

$ncp tell kushal show node 1.17 char
Node Volatile Characteristics as of 05-Apr-2024 17:35:47

Remote node = 1.17 (EWS)

Service circuit = QNA-0
Hardware address = AA-00-04-00-11-04

P91631 Robco term link reply
I just realized that the "Robco" terminal in the Fallout games is actually patterned off of OpenVMS.

>set term/inquire ...
This is a valid command, often set in the procedure

>set file/protection ...
Also valid VMS, including the permissions: Read,Write,Exec,Delete (RWED)

>accounts.f ...
FORTRAN programs end in *.f

>run deb ...
"run program" is the command to run a program in VMS. Old VMS systems were commonly green-screen or amber-screen. Both are in all caps by default.

As an Easter egg, I set node Kushala Daora's SYS$ANNOUNCE to "WELCOME TO ROBCO INDUSTRIES (TM) TERMINAL" until next reboot. Use Cool Retro Term for full effect.

Thread 91486 in /misc/

P91486 link reply
truffles are amazing, full of liquor, ganache, and creams. yum!
just had like 10 UwU
1 reply omitted.
P91533 link reply
yes truffles are mushrooms because he is high on shrooms and that is why he say awesoem!
P91563 link reply
There's a chocolate dessert and then one that grows in the ground which is a different thing and much more expensive. OP probably means the dessert ones.
P91565 link reply
Also, mushroms have their code written in and is unchangeable. Mushrams can be changed, but lose their data when they power off.
P91589 link reply
Does anyone use real mushroms anymore? I though it had all been replaced with flashrooms
P91616 link reply
>he still uses mushrooms with spinning tops instead of solid state mushrooms

Thread 42876 in /misc/

P42876 Sleep tight, Pizza link reply
Sleep tight, Pizza.png
Sleep tight, Pizza
5 replies omitted.
P42942 link reply
It's a fully grown mare not a filly.
P91226 link reply
Sleep tight, fully grown pizza mare.
P91227 link reply
Ends of

Hams and

Pizza, the
Zeal of
P91235 link reply
Sleep tight, Pizza
P91569 link reply
sleep tight, pizza mare

Thread 91521 in /misc/

P91521 Ate at El-Torito link reply
Had a chicken / beef Fajitas and Burritos, ate half of each with my waifu. Also tequilas. A-Class restaurant. They had nice women as well.
P91567 link reply
Mexican resturants neuter the hell out of their food around here. If you want full flavor and full spice, you have to make it yourself.

Thread 91430 in /tech/

P91430 Imposter game used to train AI lie recognition. link reply
from audio of people lying correlated with when they're the imposter.

Zillenials trained an AI to spot lies using audio recordings.
5 replies omitted.
P91499 link reply
I think the bigger thing is this, how can you poison the Among Us data to hack the algos created from it?

Can you implant a cue that always means you're telling the truth?

Can you implant a cue that someone is lying that isn't to fuzz the algo?
P91503 link reply
Like, if you snap your fingers while always telling the truth in the game, will the algo associate finger snaps with someone telling the truth?

>dafuq da data miner gonna do about it when you take a shit in their data set?

It could be any old uncommon background noise, like someone playing a kazooo faintly.
P91505 link reply

source of pic please i need to break my nofap streak :)
P91550 link reply
There needs to be a meme for poisoning undisclosed data mining operations with things that deliberately undermine what they intend to use it for without being removable even by human staff looking for it because it's too hard to recognize.

>Clean it up data miner!
P91551 link reply
Probably AI is the best at poisoning data sets.

Thread 91466 in /misc/

P91466 Be firefighters, paramedics, or nurses link reply
>get the clotshot(s)
>goes to help someone having a heart attack/stroke
>can't help them cause they themself are having a heart attack/stroke

DoOo WiGgErS EvEn
P91489 link reply
heathcare officials cant even help people cause they are having the same issues from drinking coffee++
P91494 link reply
>be doctor
>die of old age

DoOo d*ctors reALY???
P91496 that ozempic thoooooooooooooo + sage link reply
>be a doctor
>get paid for pushing new medications and vaccinations
>can only offer to treat the problem not cure or reverse it
>be jewish or indian descent

DoOo d*ctors reALY???
P91501 link reply
yeah blud they scam you to not even help you even
P91508 link reply
Yes. I briefly considered becoming an EMT, and I saw that you're required to get pretty much every vaccine, including the clotshot. If we were a sane nation, we wouldn't make first responders into alpha testers for questionable drugs, but we're not a sane nation.

Thread 91385 in /misc/

P91385 NOT SPAM FAGMIN Watching child pornography may not be an offence link reply
The Madras High Court determined in January of this year that downloading child pornography does not violate the Information Technology Act or the POCSO because it is done “in privacy without affecting or influencing anyone else.” The case against a 28-year-old man, S Harish charged with downloading child pornographic material to his cellphone was dropped by the High Court.
P91386 link reply
Based pajeets
P91387 Now link reply
I'm gonna move to this shithole country
P91388 Based link reply
P91482 link reply
>The highest court highlighted that in order to avoid legal repercussions, such content should be immediately erased or destroyed if it ends up in someone’s inbox.
Stop omitting the context OP.

Thread 90756 in /fagmin/

P90756 link reply
6 replies omitted.
P90877 link reply
P91408 link reply
>code tags
Midwit idea. Just attach a text file.
Let me add a principle to this: You should be able to copy paste a post without losing anything.
Actual brain rot.
P91429 link reply
[bold:guess what] there is no reason why you [spoiler:couldn't].
P91443 link reply
Umm, based?
P91457 humble + non sage link reply
So uh heres my 2 [spoiler: shekels] cents on the matter.

a. Yes you can attach a plaintext file and raw dawg it

b. You should add code tage sinc pgp is in a form of a code tag.

Anons should be able to double click and easily copy the code.
Also code tags would make it eaiser to read and not get line breaks and what other type of mis formating that come with copy pastes.

Thread 82187 in /tech/

P82187 beanpill link reply
is this real
37 replies omitted.
P86252 link reply
>It can only detect malware it has already seen and modern malware changes itself to avoid detection anyway.
Its called hashes thats what it checks
It gets to me that windows users just blindly download things and dont check checksums of the things [they] download.
Thats why I use a linux VM or save .exes for software for windows that were downloaded with linux since it includes gnupg (PGP).
P91342 link reply

P91375 link reply
> It can only detect malware it has already seen
B-but they told me in uni that they monitor the programs' activity and detect even unknown threats!
P91377 sage and university pilt link reply
P91428 12of7 reply link reply

Thread 66887 in /tech/

P66887 gpg --store -a link reply

23 replies omitted.
P91367 link reply
P91368 link reply
+10 with this faction

gpg: key 4AA8DA5D164F9E18: public key "jpmch2hrsa4cat07172025 <>" imported
gpg: Total number processed: 1
gpg: imported: 1
P91371 link reply
gpg --homedir=/tmp/.gnupg -a --comment nigger --comment "base64: invalid input" --export nigger

for niggers the correct anwser is u [bold: put --comment after -a, --armor]

how did they imbed ther gpg version tho without --comment?
P91380 link reply
It's probably an option in the config, but I don't care to read thru the manpage for it right now. If not that, then maybe a build flag in the source code.
P91381 base64: invalid input link reply
maybe gnupg2 or older versions or what have you...

>then maybe a build flag in the source code.
yeah aint nobuddy got time 4 dat niggah

Thread 64768 in /tech/

P64768 link reply
tried clementine its dogshit breaks after you seek twice. until you switch song and switch back
back to foobar2000 in wine
22 replies omitted.
P68241 Sage link reply
yeah sure, and i use wsl to ssh into my mothers fartbox
P68252 link reply
Just use AIMP everywhere nigger.
P68327 link reply
look at the wiggers arguing over who really uses a garbage wigger LARPer os
debian predictable random number generator nevar forget
P91280 link reply
>select files
>right click
>open with other application

it just works so well i forget im even using vlc
P91366 link reply
>DeaDBeeF is a modular audio player similar to foobar2000

Thread 64025 in /tech/

P64025 sudon't link reply
Please stop abusing sudo. Ubuntu and others are big on this. It's not training wheels for root. Login as a normal user. If you need to do admin stuff, login in as root proper like a big boy. sudo is for, say, a student aid in a CS lab that is allowed to mount/unmount disks as the class needs them.

If your distro does this, dump it for a *nix that doesn't.
128 replies omitted.
P66680 link reply
>Sorry to disappoint with the boring but correct answer.

He says, while I sit on N days for Ubuntu (can't post for OPSEC reasons), and Gentoo has a policy of applying security patches as they are published. Using something other than Gentoo for server hosting is retarded precisely because you have no control over what your OS does. One day Ubuntu will update randomly to add cat pictures to your shell and fail to reboot. Another day it will add some shit to backup all your data to the cloud and not tell you. Etc.
P66682 link reply
no its (((tagged hardware)))
P66686 link reply
XD that is 1st use of (((brackets))) that makes any sense
P66690 link reply
>oh no the goyim know were going use this for tracking them at the hardware level oy vey shut it down and lock it up into (((ivory tower)))
P91357 ITMOTB link reply

Thread 80217 in /tech/

P80217 how long til wiggers r saying this link reply
>stuff dumping tmp files everywhere
>confused deputies
>hardcoded stuff that should easily have been configurable
>overly rigid permissions that are either too lax or break everything

the capability model just solves everything!
P80218 link reply
P80219 link reply
imagine some javaee boomer fuck who spent thousands of hours configuring logging and CI while telling himself all this overly verbose inefficient bug prone java way of doing configuration is right. he discovers the capability model. and like everything in java implements it in some fucktarded way that barely works. then they all make blog posts about how excited they are for capability based programming, with maven + OSGI + SecurityManager 2.0 + Classpath Bootstrap NoGlobals Classloader 3.0
P91277 link reply
>stuff dumping tmp files everywhere
Just use mkstemp
>the capability model just solves everything!
Everybody just will assign the root capability just like how everybody disabled SELinux.
P91321 link reply

Thread 34837 in /tech/

P34837 Juniority link reply
Original conversation in P34698

This project has grown to the point of deserving its own thread.

Juniority is a (junior) gravure organizer. It's an ncurses application because git gud.
It uses sqlite for data storage, put it in your ecryptfs directory so the glowies don't find it.
Written in GNU Guile.

Currently what we've got is a stdio import mode and a splash screen. Updates will be posted in this thread. Be here or be queer.
114 replies omitted.
P89896 link reply
>1 year already
owari da
P89899 link reply
pedo software should be written in c for cunny
P90143 clearnet + sage link reply
>Do you have a Juniority success story?
P91246 User Referendum link reply
Q: Would you like a coom tracking feature that associates your cooms with a particular volume?
You can then look at your coom log, where each coom can be inspected for the associated volume and idol(s).
P91299 sage link reply
>clearnet repository

Thread 34698 in /tech/

P34698 GNU Guile link reply
Here we discuss the greatest scripting language of all time, GNU Guile.

GNU Guile is a Scheme dialect that is:
- easy to embed as a scripting language
- extremely feature-rich
- unparalleled as a scripting language
- more suitable as an application language than python
- the official scripting language of GNU: embedded in GNU applications and used to implement Guix
54 replies omitted.
P63940 link reply
And....that's why you need code tags, so that the board software doesn't parse literal text.

P80952 link reply
If you're using the Guile REPL make sure to add this to your ~/.guile file so you can edit what you're typing in.

> (use-modules (ice-9 readline))
> (activate-readline)
P80953 sage link reply
copy and pasted from the mit bbs P80952
P89731 Based Guile link reply
(define (jewish-name) jewish-name)

P91274 link reply
>GNU Guile - the GNU Ubiquitous Intelligent Language for Extensions
>GNU Kawa - an implementation of the Scheme programming language that is built on top of the Java platform
>GNU Mes - features a mutual self-hosting Scheme interpreter written in a simple C
>GNU/MIT Scheme - an implementation of the Scheme programming language
>GNU SCM - an implementation of Scheme
>GNU CLISP - an implementation of ANSI Common Lisp
>GNU Common Lisp - an implementation of the Common Lisp language

Why are there so many GNU implementations of Scheme and Lisp?

Thread 86304 in /blog/

P86304 link reply
I have come to the realization I am not good at being around with people
24 replies omitted.
P90431 link reply
>one way thread
As you wish.
P90455 link reply
>faggotchan-type thread
i fucking hate this btw tbh kmn
P90592 link reply
Lonely and miserable
P90633 link reply
Exhausted and miserable
P91267 die link reply

Thread 83733 in /misc/

P83733 Moderator of dark web child sexual abuse site is sentenced link reply
Nathan Bake, 28, is one of three UK-based moderators of a site called ‘The Annex’ who were identified by the National Crime Agency, as part of an investigation targeting those behind the site.

The Annex, which is no longer active, had around 90,000 global members who used it to share and discuss some of the most extreme kinds of abuse material, involving ‘hurtcore’ and the sexual abuse of babies and toddlers.

Hundreds of thousands of indecent images and videos of children were also recovered from his storage devices, as was 576 page paedophile manual.

>'Loner' tyre fitter who was the second-in-command of a global dark web forum

>Chester Crown Court heard that Bake was caught after US law enforcement busted a server hosting a sinister child pornography site, known as The Annex, in Romania, in August 2022.

>Investigators also discovered that Bake was the moderator of a second site, known as Topic Links

>Bake was also the co-creator of another website, called Lolita's Paradise

>When units from the UK's National Crime Agency raided Bake's home, in November 2022, they found his password manager open on one of his computers, enabling them to expose how he sat at the centre of the abuse operation.

>They also seized 60 electronic devices and examined several hard drives which were found to have more than 3.6million images of child sex abuse, including more than 8,000 of the most serious category.

>Children's knickers, tights and sandals were also recovered from his computer desk, along with a number of adult sex aids.

>a user known as 'Pink,' who they identified as Asperger's sufferer and Muslim convert Bake.

>Bake, who was diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome at the age of 16, had converted to Islam, was studying Arabic and ‘finding some peace in the scriptures’.
112 replies omitted.
P91232 link reply
You need to go back.
P91236 link reply
>P91186 Fri 2024-04-19 16:50:07 link reply
>>you saw them on reddit
>What's your beef with Reddit?
>Referenced by: P91232
P91255 link reply
>what being a 'good person' is, the 'correct way' to solve your problems, how to be a 'functional adult', its all pure propaganda

P91257 link reply
No, it's about sex. Easy mistake to make, since men want power for sex. Rape is just the more direct forbidden path to sex.
P91265 link reply
you guys are gonna be seeing a similar article about me in 6 months when i get fucking v& for threechv7

Thread 90831 in /math/

P90831 Ternary systems link reply
I've been playing a bit with ternary logic and arithmetic. The initial reason I started thinking about this is that it annoyed me how in binary a n-bit signed integer can represent the range [- 2^(n-1) ; 2^(n-1) - 1], which isn't symmetrical. Of course that's only a convention (although one that is very convenient for several reasons) and it could as well represent [- 2^(n-1) + 1/2 ; 2^(n-1) - 1/2], but then 0 wouldn't be represented.

In ternary, a n-"tit" signed integer can represent all the integers in [-(3^(n-1) - 1)/2 ; (3^(n-1) - 1)/2]. So a 3-tit signed integer can represent the 27 numbers between -13 and +13, for example.

Let's see how to construct such a numbering system. We could use 3's complement for negative numbers. For example, with 2-tit numbers:
12 = -4
20 = -3
21 = -2
22 = -1
00 = 0
01 = 1
02 = 2
10 = 3
11 = 4
Now that's very ugly, and there is no obvious way to determine whether a number is negative or positive from it's ternary representation. I don't like it.

So instead of assigning to each tit a value in {0, 1, 2}, we can instead assign them a value in {-1, 0, 1}. For convenience and legibility, I will note the different symbols as {1̃, 0, 1}, but remember that 1̃ has a value of -1. With those values, and a classic positional system, we can easily represent all natural numbers.
The positive numbers are:
0, 1, 11̃, 10, 11, 11̃1̃, 11̃0, ...
(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, ...)
The negative numbers are:
1̃, 1̃1, 1̃0, 1̃1̃, 1̃11, 1̃10, 1̃11̃, ...
(-1, -2, -3, -4, -5, -6, -7, ...)

This system has some nice properties:
1. All natural numbers have a unique representation
2. The range that can be represented by an n-tit number is symmetrical with regards to 0
3. The leftmost non-0 tit contains the sign information
4. The opposite of a number can be easily computed by replacing all 1s by 1̃s and all 1̃s by 1s
5. It's a positional system, so usual algorithms for addition and multiplication apply.
6. A n-tit variable can represent ~60% more values than a n-bit variable

We can also have a gray-like code. Here's how to generate a sequence where each consecutive term only differs by one tit:
1. Start with the sequence S ← {1̃, 0 1}
2. T and U both take the elements of S
3. S is reversed
4. Each element t of T has the tit 1̃ appended to its left
5. Each element s of S has the tit 0 appended to its left
6. Each element u of U has the tit 1 appended to its left
7. S ← T | S | U where "|" represents the concatenation operator.
8. Redo steps 2 to 7 until the sequence is long enough.

For example, with 2-tit numbers, we get:
1̃1̃ 1̃0 1̃1 01 00 01̃ 11̃ 10 11

Now let's do some logic!
We could easily emulate binary logic, for example by interpreting 0 as a boolean 0 and 1̃ and 1 as a boolean 1. That's not fun though, and wouldn't allow us to compute on ternary numbers, so let's invent toolean logic.
I tried coming up with a few logic gates, as extensions to the ones we're used to with booleans.

"and", it's a ternary multiplication. Notice how the lower-right quadrant is the same as with the boolean and. I'll note the operator as ⋅
 a⋅b | 1̃ 0 1
1̃ | 1 0 1̃
0 | 0 0 0
1 | 1̃ 0 1
That one has some nice properties:
(a ⋅ b) ⋅ c = a ⋅ (b ⋅ c) = a ⋅ b ⋅ c
a ⋅ a = abs(a) (that is, 1̃→1, 0→0 and 1→1)
1̃ ⋅ a = neg(a) (that is, 1̃→1, 0→0 and 1→1̃)
1 ⋅ a = a
0 ⋅ a = 0
a ⋅ b = neg(a) ⋅ neg(b)

"or", it's a ternary saturating addition. Again the lower-right quadrant is the same as with the boolean or. I'll note the operator as +
a+b | 1̃ 0 1
1̃ | 1̃ 1̃ 0
0 | 1̃ 0 1
1 | 0 1 1
That one isn't as nice, so I would be happy if you have better suggestions. In particular, I hate that (a + b) + c ≠ a + (b + c). Still, a few interesting properties:
neg(a) + neg(b) = neg(a + b)
a + a = a
0 + a = a
a + neg(a) = 0

"xor", isn't an overflowing addition (half adder), because I wanted the lower-right cadrant to stay the same as the boolean xor. I'll note the operator as ⊕
 a⊕b | 1̃ 0 1
1̃ | 0 1̃ 0
0 | 1̃ 0 1
1 | 0 1 0
Again, I hate that (a ⊕ b) ⊕ c ≠ a ⊕ (b ⊕ c)
Some properties:
a ⊕ b = (a + b) + ((a + b) ⋅ a ⋅ b) (can this expression be simplified?)
a ⊕ a = 0
0 ⊕ a = a
a ⊕ neg(a) = 0

There is no "not", because why would not(0) be 1 over 1̃? In any case both variant can be implemented as (a ⊕ 1) and (a ⊕ 1̃) respectively.

Can the logic operators do arithmetic? Yes they can!
Here's the truth table for a half adder
| 1̃ 0 1
1̃ | 1 1̃ 0
0 | 1̃ 0 1
1 | 0 1 1̃
That is, (a ⊕ b) + ((a + b) ⋅ neg(a ⋅ b)). Can this expression be simplified?

And here's the truth table for a full adder
| 1̃1̃ 1̃0 1̃1 01 00 01̃ 11̃ 10 11
1̃ | 1̃0 1̃1 01̃ 00 01̃ 1̃1 01̃ 00 01
0 | 1̃1 01̃ 00 01 00 01̃ 00 01 11̃
1 | 01 00 01 11̃ 01 00 01 11̃ 10
Now I haven't got a clue as to where to start to get a toolean expression out of this.

What do you think about all this? Did I make any mistake?
Some more things I want to look into:
1. Other properties of toolean logic, especially to help find and simplify expressions
2. Find an expression for the full adder
3. Design ternary CMOS circuits
4. Check out what people smarter than me have written, but I want to play around a bit more before.
27 replies omitted.
P91179 link reply
In boolean they are trivial, like
y(x1, x2, x3, x4) = !x1 & x2 & x3 & !x4 for y(x...)={1 if x==0110; 0 otherwise}
P91183 link reply
>Can't read french.
Lol, git gud. But yeah

Probably not, but I haven't ran an exhaustive search for those.
Thanks for the code, I see I made a dum-dum now. I assumed "Not(a+b) === Not(a)*Not(b)" and "Not(a*b) === Not(a)+Not(b)" were equivalent, which they are not, since not(not(a))≠a. What language is that btw? Looks convenient.

If I didn't make any other mistake, there is no logic that verify:
1. "or" and "and" are associative and commutative
2. None of the operators is a constant
3. The logic satisfies de Morgan's laws
4. "and" distributes over "or"
5. The set of operators is complete, in that it can be used to generate all binary operators by composition.

I can find some if I loosen any of those conditions though. Attached are the logics I found by removing the distributy constraints. Obviously, there are duplicates then.
P91229 link reply
> What language is that btw?
Why, it's Haskell.

> I can find some if I loosen any of those conditions though. Attached are the logics I found by removing the distributy constraints.
I would like to remove 3 (De Morgan) instead. Those look like being ad hoc for boolean logic.
P91261 link reply
>Why, it's Haskell.
I really should use more functional programming, it makes the code so much clearer.

>I would like to remove 3 (De Morgan) instead.
Fair enough. I'm running the search for those.

I've found 333 of them. I should have optimised my code better, because it took 12h.
Results and code attached. "" is a bunch of helper functions, "" is the script that runs the search.
P91264 link reply
> 12h

Dude, just use CVC.

Thread 56571 in /idol/

P56571 Idol Memes link reply
37 replies omitted.
P78832 Nice try, NSA link reply
P78843 link reply
i like her naughty face
P78852 link reply
Smug face.

Another popular brand they use is [spoiler: s]pe[spoiler: e]do.
P91253 link reply
Sauce: ICDV-30072
P91256 link reply